The Ballad of Milly Wheatley
William Wheatley and his wife rode to a religious service at neighbor's house in 1819. The Rye Cove area of Scott County still wasn’t populated...
“Bad John” Wright
"Bad John” Wright (1844-1931) was a peace officer for 40 years in and around Wise, Virginia. He was a prominent character in the historic feuds...
Some Generall Historie
History books have been written of Virginia since Captain John Smith's Generall Historie of Virginia, produced by the London Company of England. He authored books...
Y-DNA of the Fomorians
[caption id="attachment_136" align="alignleft" width="300"] Marcel Roux- "Halte de démons"[/caption] In Irish mythology, the Fomoire (or Fomorians) are a semi-divine race of darked haired, dark-skinned giants...
Melungeon Bibliography and Research
"A New Race." Daily Public Ledger [Maysville, KY] 23 Jan. 1894. Print. Salt Lake Herald 18 June 1893. Print. "Melungeons Ancestry." The Morning Call [San...
Other Pertinent Melungeon Notes
There are a number of other topics and tidbits to consider. Here are several: As previously mentioned, those who came to the community later discussed...
Melungeons and the Portuguese Theories
As stressed earlier in this article series, there are no definite or concrete records for Melungeon researchers. Even if we allow them the Portuguese ancestry...
Melungeons were Portuguese?
It's easy to see how uneducated mountaineers might have classified people who were Italian, Greek, Latino or Portuguese, as coming from African roots due to...
Dromgoole’s Malungeons
Will Allan Dromgoole, as noted earlier, had a very special vocabulary for the Melungeon people. Good or bad, she is still considered an authority on...
Melungeon DNA and the European Enigma
Genetic genealogy through DNA testing, has sadly been harnessed to muddle the subject even more. Despite this field being in its infancy, global mapping has...