Melungeon Community
The earliest "proof" of Melungeons is commonly cited is the Stony Creek church minutes from 1813. One church member accused another of "harboring melungins." Stony...
The Real History of Melungeons
Sadly, it seems even less is known of the people today. Early historical accounts suggest the Melungeons were there before the white settlers. It's impossible...
Melungeon Etymology
This word has been used for centuries, although in strikingly different contexts. The most likely origin is the French term "Mélange," which simply means "mixture."...
An Introduction to Melungeons
This is one of the most difficult ethnic groups to research today. The overwhelming majority of information is authored by those who use the research...
Primordial Link of the Amun-Tìr
The primordial link between the Celtic lands to the west and ancient Egypt is not a new idea. First, we have the legend of Scota....