The Murderous History of Mr. Bray- Part 1
Normally, this site does not cover topics or events beyond the 1960s. This is out of respect for those alive today. The information in this...
The Ballad of Milly Wheatley
William Wheatley and his wife rode to a religious service at neighbor's house in 1819. The Rye Cove area of Scott County still wasn’t populated...
“Bad John” Wright
"Bad John” Wright (1844-1931) was a peace officer for 40 years in and around Wise, Virginia. He was a prominent character in the historic feuds...
Bad Jim Wright (?-Sep. 8, 1902)
"Bad" Jim Wright was an outlaw from Hancock County, Tennessee, serving a life sentence for murder in the Brushy Mountain Penitentiary. This facility was new...
We’re Certain We Have Him…We Think
The mysterious case of Grat M. Walk kept the region in suspense from 1903 to 1910. It wasn’t just your standard murder. It was a...
Gate City’s Train Tragedy of 1940
A mysterious collision occurred in Gate City, Virginia, on January 27, 1940. The victims’ families were never given reason as to why the tragedy happened,...
Abingdon’s Femme Fatalle
The Baker trial of 1891 held the region spellbound with shameless love, infidelity, and ultimately murder. The prosecution’s star witness was the mistress herself, and...
An Everlasting Faint
Elva Zona Jane Heaster was born in Greenbrier County, West Virginia, around 1873. Records of her early life do not exist. She was the eldest...
From the Pulpit to the Prison
The police waited for Reverend Tipton to finish his sermon on November, in 1892. Attendees were stunned to learn the simple “mountain preacher,” was actually...
Marble Hall Beyond Murder
Murder was not the end of Marble Hall. Eventually even the Blackley family moved on and other families took shelter within its ornate walls. The...