Marble Hall Beyond Murder
Murder was not the end of Marble Hall. Eventually even the Blackley family moved on and other families took shelter within its ornate walls. The...
The Ghosts of Marble Hall
There is a site off Highway 11-W, just a few miles outside of Rogersville, Tennessee, that has been virtually forgotten. The obscurity, however, does not...
The Curse of Dry Gulch
Virginia City, better known as Dry Gulch Junction, was a wild west attraction in Wytheville, Virginia. Dry Gulch was situated on the edge of Jefferson...
The Southwestern State Lunatic Asylum and the Forget-Me-Nots
The landscape in Southwestern Virginia flourished in the 1880s. The thriving mining industry meant towns and cities developed faster across the state's mountainous region than...
Kings Mountain Memorial Hospital
This notable structure was once the hub of technology and architecture. The gorgeous detail to the exterior made it one of the most amazing structures...