Primordial Link of the Amun-Tìr
The primordial link between the Celtic lands to the west and ancient Egypt is not a new idea. First, we have the legend of Scota. This Egyptian princess lived about 1400-1300 BC and according to the old Irish annals, she migrated to Ireland from Spain via Egypt. Subsequently, many of her descendants immigrated to Scotland about 300 BC. Princess Scota was most likely a daughter of Smenkhare. Little is known of Smenkhare during his short reign in the 18th Dynasty due to later Pharaohs seeking to erase the entire Amama period.
A period begun by Akhenaten, a religious reformer, so to speak. During the Amma period, Ahkenaten endeavored to convert Egypt to monotheism. Princess Scota married according to The Annals of the Four Masters (1632-1636), Érimón, was the son of Míl Espáine (and great-grandson of Breoghan, king of Celtic Galicia). According to medieval Irish legends and historical traditions. He was one of the chieftains who took part in the Milesian invasion of Ireland, which conquered the island from the Tuatha Dé Danann, and was one of the first Milesian High Kings. This was during a period of time when Ireland was divided between Érimón in the North and his brother Eber in the South. A similar division took place in Egypt dividing Upper and lower parts of the empire.
Not unlike today when scientific evidence that refutes established theories is covered up. The ancients to cover up what they believed should be hidden and forgotten.
In 1955 archeologist, Sean O’Riordan of Trinity College in Dublin discovered ancient skeletal remains during an excavation of the “Mound of Hostages of Tara’. The skeleton was carbon dated to around 1350 BC and was of Egyptian or at least North African in origin. It is interesting to note that King Tutankhamen was entombed at about this time. In 1956, J. F. Stone and L. C. Thomas in his report stated that the beads were Egyptian. When they were compared with other Egyptian faience beads, they were found to be of identical manufacture and of matching design.
When the La Tene gaulish tribes invaded the Balkans around the 4th century BC, many of these Celts found it humorous that the Greeks had gods that looked like them. The Celts like the Egyptians had gods with animalistic features. Phonetically their deities were similar
Celtic: Annwn, Cwn Annwn
Egyptian: Amenti, Anubis, Osiris
To name just a few.
In Egyptian Belief and Modern Thought (1878) by James Bonwick, F.R.G.S
The author states:
“It is singular to find a white race spoken of in the ancient monuments. Dr. Brugsch, the learned German, notices the word Tam-hou or white men. As it occurs on tablets dating 2,500 years before Christ, it is puzzling to indicate the people. Brugsch traces them to Libya. Champollion recognized in the Tamh’ou a type of European ancestry. M. Deveria remarks upon hieroglyphics recording the fact of Horus, the god, leading and guiding a white race. As there are still many Celtic monuments in the north of Africa, over many hundreds of miles, he contends for the existence of an original Celtic people in Egypt, or, in modern language, that the Welsh and Irish were once in Egypt.”
Whether or not distinct nationalities of Celtic people were actually in Egypt is open to conjecture. I am however of the opinion that two lines of their progeny did come out of Egypt at two differing periods. The aforementioned Milesians originally of Spanish extraction via Egypt would have been the second wave of non-indigenous Europeans. The first would be the “Dark of the Sea”, ancient mariners known as The Sea People or the Phoenicians. In Irish myth, these were the Fomorians.
Recent DNA testing has shed some light on the matter pf whether or not there is a correlation between these two great civilizations. The types of testing are:
Y-DNA, which covers only the direct paternal line. Most useful in tracing surnames or to determine if two or more males share a common paternal lineage.
MTDNA only traces the direct maternal line. This type has been used for many years in police forensic investigations.
Autosomal is most useful in finding distant or close cousins having a common lineage. This type covers the whole DNA spectrum.
The y-dna haplogroup R1b Atlantic Modal haplotype is said to be the lineage of Irish High King Niall of the Nine Hostages. This is also the haplogroup of King Tut. This would suggest an Egyptian origin dating back to a time before Scota. We do see high concentrations of R1b and its various subclades in all Irish Y-DNA tests.
The Norse, Normans or later English invaders would have introduced the I1,I2 and R1a haplogroups. Other y-dna haplogroups of the Irish gene pool originating outside of Europe would be G(Caucasus), J(Semitic), E(North Africa) and Q(Siberia). While R1b and its abundance of subclades may seem homogenous to the Emerald Isle. Take in this account from:;wap2
User Miles Hispaniae states that “Recent and current y-dna studies on the O’Neill’s of Tyrone and the Irish have been done without the complete and true facts about the Irish population. How can a study be made? Without the y-dna samples of the Irish slaves sold into slavery by the English to the Caribbean. How can a Y-DNA study be even taken into account after the ethnic cleansing of Cromwell?”
Direct male descendants of the dark lords of old would carry the E haplogroup with it’s origins in Africa.
Modern Caucasians with this African y-dna haplotype more often than not bear Irish surnames and their families left Ireland before more recent influx of Anglo invaders. This lends credence to a continuity of an ancient Fomorian presence. Names in my own study are, but not limited to Gordon, Collins, Lewis, Branam and Dempsey.
Are the Irish and the surrounding Celtic peoples of the British Isles homogeneously western Europeans or does something darker lie beneath?
Welcome to Clann na Amun-Tìr
- Annála Ríoghachta Éireann(Annals of the Four Masters)
- Egyptian Belief and Modern Thought (1878) by James Bonwick
- To Hell or Barbados: The Ethnic Cleansing of Ireland by Sean O’Callaghan